Our PPA project, your opportunity
ED'UN is an association created for our first year project (PPA) in EDHEC.
Our aim is to educate students on current subjects through the MUN.

About ED'UN
ED'UN is a non-profit organisation that aims to educate students about current subjects through an MUN organized inside the EDHEC Lille campus.
But what is an MUN ? The Model United Nations is an educational simulation of the United Nations.
Participants are developing their debating and speaking skills through a debate about current world issues.

Our event
As you probably understood already, our event will be a MUN (Model United Nations). It will take place at our school EDHEC on the 27th of April 2019. There will be two committees : the first one concerning Women's rights and the other one about the environment. Both committees will be in English. As a delegate, you'll be given a country and you will have to participate in the debate, representing your given country. Of course, you will know your country and your committee in advance so that you can prepare what is called your position paper.

How to apply?
Contact us using the section below, telling us your name, in which business school you are studying, where is it located and why would you like to participate in our MUN. Also, don't forget to mention your phone number/email address so that we can contact you back! The participation fees are 20€ and have to be paid when your application is approved.